Project feed
Every week our teams of archaeologists are uncovering interesting finds across the country. Whether it is an artefact or an ecofact, each piece of evidence helps us build a more detailed picture of the past.
Join us in an exciting journey of discovery.
Gareth is in our Cambridge office
Who says that archaeology is only about digging up finds! After spending time on site, Gareth was in the Cambridge office washing a well-preserved cow skull from one of our sites in Cambridgeshire. He had some help from our colleague Gregorz, in the background.
Adam is in our Lancaster office
Adam had some great high school work experience volunteers in the office learning about archaeological illustration and how art and geometry are used to reconstruct roman pottery!
Clem is at the Begbroke Science Park, South East region
Our Community Archaeology Manager, Clem Cooper, took part in the Science Wonder garden party hosted by the University of Oxford at their new Science Park in Begbroke. Clem showed some of our finds from Begbroke and nearby areas and talked about OA's work in and around Oxford.