We are hurtling towards the end of our excavations here at Little Asby and yet the discoveries keep coming!

We had a busy day today with work going on in five of our trenches. Trench A at the back wall of the longhouse which was the first of the trenches we opened has come to an end with Jan and Linda concluding the recording with a final photogrammetry and trench photos. In addition to this Jan and Linda along with Justin and Gilly finished deturfing a new trench, which is located to investigate a protrusion from the longhouse that was identified during survey as a potential structure.

Jan and Linda also cleaned up a section of Trench C to confirm the stratigraphy of the front wall of the structure and in the process of this found several pieces of potentially worked flint.
Working also in Trench C was Perry and Keith who through trowelling down layers have identified what is a possible feature, potentially a treethrow lying to the front of the building. Hilary and Lynn also continued their work in the extension of Trench C within which they too were finding pieces of potentially worked flint.

In Trench E the excavation of the enclosure and crosswall section continued, with Rebecca, Alison and James taking away tumble and excavating through the topsoil to reveal the construction of a potential entrance. James discovered some worked flint and this lovely flake of worked chert!

In Trench F, on the other side of the enclosure to the longhouse, Justin and Gilly finished off the recording required in with a round of photography and the completion of a very nice section drawing of the enclosure.

We are fleshing out our story of the life on top of this scar from the prehistoric to the post-medieval all thanks to our productive and skilled team.
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