Another wet start to the day and met office threats of thunder and lighting into the afternoon quickly gave way to a pleasant day with spectacular views.
Linda, now joined by Jan, Jane and Bob began removing the rubble collapse within Trench A to expose the remainder of the south-western wall of the longhouse. By the afternoon the rubble had been removed down to the bedrock, unfortunately with no clear evidence for a floor surface. However samples were taken from the deposits beneath the rubble and with luck environmental processing might yet provide us with material by which to date the building.

In trench B Perry and Hannah have been hard at work excavating the interior of the longhouse just inside the hypothesised threshold but alas at present the threshold refuses to look like a threshold and it appears the floor level here too has been lost. Excavations continue in this area.

The de-turfing in trench C was completed at the end of the previous day and Unity, was joined today by Andrew, returning from season 1 to help with the excavation of the sondage within the interior of the byre end.

Again, no sign of a floor surface but charcoal was identified from within some of the deposits which might provide a date. Alan and Helen have extended this slot across the north-western wall of the longhouse to examine its construction and this will allow us to relate the deposits to those identified by Unity and Andrew.
Progress on site has been that good that by the end of the day the Trench A crew have begun de-turfing Trench D. This new trench will look at the interior of the upper end of the longhouse as our hunt continues for dating material and the survival of any internal features.
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