Today started out a bit wet and very windy! Thankfully it cleared up and we ended the day, still very windy, but with a good dose of sunshine too and a visit from a mischievous little puppy dog called Willow.
We continued with our two trenches that were targeting the roundhouse and associated enclosure, and we also opened up a brand new trench on the crest of the hill to target the longitudinal section of one of our co-axial field boundaries.

In trench 5 they continued to excavate, removing the stones forming the bank of the enclosure to see how the bank was constructed. Unfortunately no more finds came out of the trench. Right before the end of the day all three trenches opened ended up needing photogrammetry so we had a mad rush for Joe, Keith and Richard to complete their photogrammetry job in record speed which they managed to do before battling with the fencing to make sure the trench doesn't get investigated by the nosy cattle overnight!
In trench 6 Cecilia and Carol were learning to draw sections and plans of the roundhouse investigation. They did brilliantly well controlling their tapes and permatrace in the blustery conditions and completed beautiful accurate drawings of their feature, one more photogrammetry job and they will be ready to backfill their trench.

Cecelia and Carol stand up to the elements.

In trench 7, newly opened today, at the top of the hill the volunteers commenced the first investigation of one of the co-axial boundaries, so a very important trench! They ended today having exposed and cleaned the bank structure that formed the boundary and recorded that with photos and tomorrow will be excavating a slot through to investigate the construction and record their findings.
Tomorrow with one trench closing we will be moving some of our team over to a new area to investigate a potential medieval longhouse and associated features."
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